These are unprecedented times, when everyone in the world is being encouraged to stay home as much as possible. This can create anxiety for everyone in the home, so it’s important that you create a relaxing and tranquil atmosphere, whether you’re on lock-down, or if you’re practising self-quarantine.

- Think About Lighting
- Get Green Fingered
- Remove Clutter
- Create A Dedicated Area For Exercise and Meditation
- Make Your Bedroom A Safe Space
- Layer Textures
- Paint A Wall
1. Think About Lighting

Natural light can do wonders to improve mood for the whole family. So throw open those curtains and wind up your blinds to let the light inside during the day time. You might even want to consider setting up a cosy ‘spot’ for reading right in the sunlight.
In the evening, lighting can really contribute to how well you wind down before sleeping – sleep is a really important factor in reducing stress. Rather than turning on your main lights, consider using table and floor lamps to create that low-lighting style. Floor lamps should be pointed to the wall to keep light levels low.
2. Get Green Fingered

Adults and kids alike will get a lot out of bringing plants into the home. If you’re new to having plants indoors, start with something easy like a large, statement cactus, a stunning trailing Pothos or air-purifying Snake Plant. These plants only need watering when they feel dry, which is around every 10-14 days and enjoy bright, indirect sunlight.
3. Remove Clutter

Have you read Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying yet? If you have the time and brain-space (I know anxiety can stop this!) to tackle a messy closet or cluttered bookshelves, you’ll find that a lot of tension you might have been feeling will dissipate. A cluttered home produces physical, and therefore unconscious chaos. By removing the clutter, you’ll be able to think more clearly about this crazy situation, remain calm and plan the next steps. It really is a form of self care. Plus, you’ll have completed a task which you’ve probably been meaning to do for ages!
4. Create a Dedicated Area For Exercise and Relaxation

Indoor exercise has suddenly become a vital part of our every day lives. It’s important for keeping stress levels down and maintaining a clear mind, whether you’re home-schooling kids or working from home. Have you downloaded an exercise app yet, or even tried Zoom Zumba (it’s amazing, honestly!)? By creating a dedicated space in your home for exercise, you’ll have a subtle reminder that you need to take a little time for yourself every day.
This area doesn’t just need to be for exercise. You can make it into a meditation or Yoga area too – there are lots of apps online which provide guided meditation for everyone.
5. Make Your Bedroom A Safe Space

I don’t think I can emphasise enough how important sleep is at this time, so it’s important you have a bedroom where you feel you’re safe from the outside world. Simple pre-bedtime routines like not watching TV, not engaging with the news and reading instead will help you feel relaxed in your bedroom.
You may even want to consider updating your overall bedroom aesthetic at this time, and creating the bedroom you’ve always wanted. Choose a tranquil colour palette which really resonates with you, or invest in new lighting so you can unwind before bed.
6. Layer Textures

By adding a beautiful rug to a hardwood floor, you can easily add a sense of homeliness and relaxation to key rooms like your living room and bedroom. Any space will look and feel softer, which can create a similar effect as fireplaces.
This can also be achieved with well-placed cushions on chairs and throws across sofas. Consider colour when layering soft furnishings – I’d advise using clean, block-colours to avoid a space looking cluttered.
7. Paint A Wall

Simply painting a statement wall, or indeed, an entire room can transform the atmosphere of a space. Serene blues can create a coastal elegance in a bedroom, and coral whites can create a relaxing mood in a living room. Choosing the right colour which works with an existing room can be a challenge, so make sure you experiment with lots of samples in different lights before starting work.
I really need to add some greens to my space for sure! I always mean to do it and then forget! Also I love that rug!!
I love the rug too! You can actually check it out in the store (and buy it!)
The tips are so useful. They can easily be implemented. We need to stay motivated in this lockdown. Thank you!
A very inspiring and informative blog post!!:)
Thanks for sharing your lovely ideas. I used Marie London’s method to have a massive clear out in my room last year and it definitely made it feel like a new and calming space. I would love to get an orchid to add a bit of nature though.
Yes! I agree completely. This has been hard on everyone but I love this advice to keep us moving and positive.
Very helpful advice, thanks for sharing. Luckily I live in a very bright flat so that’s definitely helping!
This has motivated me to tidy my whole house! My messy house thanks you!
Beautiful! I love all the photos, very calming.
I am totally agree with it! Especially, lighting! Key for psychology. Thank you for sharing 🙂
Beautiful pictures and I agree that all those tips help 🙂
I totally agree that lighting can change your mood! And I love lots of plants! I will have to try dedicating areas towards exercise and work. Thanks for the tips!
Great pictures! My husband and I just bought a house, it’s nice to figure out house layouts etc. 🙂
Looking forward to do this once i get my own place
Love your tips. I think dedicating a space for exercise has been the biggest change for me during the lockdown. Thanks!
Lighting and plants are essential. My husband is remodeling our bathroom and there are tools and clutter everywhere from it. Lol hard to work around him . But afterwards, I’ll need to organize my spaces a little better.
Love this! I def need to do some remodeling now for some zen space!
These are some excellent tips.I would like to start incorporating at least artificial plants to my decor they are very eye-pleasing
Great tips! Love letting in natural light, always makes for a brighter home and brighter mood!
Very informative. Working on adding some green into my space
Lovely! It’s always my goal to create a peaceful environment at home. I’ve been decluttering and added some succulents to my kitchen. I love the idea of new lighting— thanks!
Love these suggestions! I’ve been looking to make a few changes in my home seeing we’re spending more time in place. I realize I need to add some plants indoors and rearrange our patio seating so we use it more. Thanks for the ideas.
These are such good ideas. I love throws and cushions. They really add a sense of homeliness and comfort.
Thank you for sharing how you transformed your home into a calming environment during the lockdown to self-care. I did something similar in my bedroom. I am a blogger too and I wanted to have a specific designated spot where I could work on my stuff for my blog. I wanted to use my vanity that doubles as a desk, but I had stuff on top of it that I was never getting around to cleaning up. So, to solve this time management problem, I left myself a note with a day and time scheduled to do it and that helped to make it happen. I reorganized other parts of my room too for it and now I have a bedroom that doubles a “blog studio.”
I definitely need to do up my room with some new lighting! I agree too that reading is much better / calmer than watching TV! You’ve also got me wanting to do some painting now haha! Great blog 🙂
I love the idea of creating a peaceful and tranquil space inside your home.
The beauty that is found in creating this atmosphere is, we get to choose what we allow into our home, our space, regardless of what’s happening in the world. Sometimes the slightest changes such as adding natural lighting brighten the mood and the texture of your home.
Thank you for sharing these tips.
So beautiful! I have gone a bit crazy with the plants since the lockdown but I absolutely love what they do for our space. Great post and lovely pics!
OMG, that bedroom looks so cosy, intimate ad magical!!!
These are some excellent tips. I’d like to use natural lighting I think is very very relaxing.
It was perfect the first time. I learn so much from you as well! Keep it up great post.
Some great ideas here, I need to add some greenery to my space!
love this one! plants are life <3
I love all the natural light in this space!! Great tips!
I wish I owned my own house right now! It would be a perfect break to set up my dream house…
SUch excellent ideas for future! Bookmarking this post!
Nice ideas.. Simpler things can bring a lot of peace in life and your surroundings are a good starting point!
I love this how to guide because quarantine is no joke!!
These are great tips to help get us through all this. I’ve already incorporated a couple into my daily life.
I wish I could do that but with 7 dogs, a cat, and a wife it’s tough to keep things clean and organized
Cozy is key right now since we are stuck in the house. Thank you for sharing these tips!
Beautiful tips! I love Marie Kondo! Declutter oh always brings me such peace.
I think the first thing that I have to do is declutter. Then add some greens.
I needed these tips. I’m going to have my own home soon and I wanna make sure that I make our home as cozy as it can be.
Like!! I blog frequently and I really thank you for your content. The article has truly peaked my interest.
This is a great article so informative! I’ve been on the lookout for a rug to fill our rooms for a while now. But oh how to choose?! 😅
Remove Clutter and Create A Dedicated Area For Exercise and Meditation is something that I definitelyn need to have in my house. Thanks for the great tips
I was able to find good information from your blog articles.